Here is the whole history of this project from inspiration to current state. Feel free to share this!
30.10.2015 Changes in life starts from work. October 30, 2015 was my last day at the office. I left for freelancing.
01.12.2015 I can not fail to note the first day of work for the owner of the marina in Brunswick, USA. The standard of work, but the theme of the site evoked memories of the beautiful…
21.04.2016 In April 2016, I went on a two-month journey through Southeast Asia. This trip proved that I can be on the road and work at the same time.
02.08.2017 In August 2017, I went to the Republic of Tatarstan. I visited Kazan, Innopolis and Moscow. The purpose of the trip is to find out the conditions for moving to Innopolis. However, in my case…
27.10.2017 The first two videos were shot and published: Announcement of the channel and first report.
13.11.2017 Although I have never been a fan of Facebook, but this is the only platform that supports the publication in several languages. Therefore, the project page was created.
16.11.2017 The majority of the Russian-speaking community uses the social network Vkontakte, so the corresponding page was created there.
25.11.2017 On this day, for the first time in my conscious life, I entered the deck of a yacht. The first test was to climb this ladder.
14.12.2017 A website has been created and published. It is made on the knee, but it allows you to publish information on all resources at once. Site redesign planned in future. The site was originally bilingual.
The last day at the office
New client
Southeast Asia trip
Kazan and Innopolis trip
First videos on YouTube
Facebook page created
VK page created
First time on a yacht
Site published